Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Black Phoebe

The Black Phoebe is my favorite bird.  It has two different colors. The Black Phoebe likes to visit my bedroom window where it sits. 

The Black Phoebe  (Sayornis nigricans) is part of the flycatcher family. It can be found from southwest of Oregon and California south through Central and South America. 

The Black Phoebe is black on top and white on the bottom. I have seen 1- 2 Black Phoebes around my feeders.

The Black Phoebe doesn't eat seeds but eats worms and insects. 

It makes a "tee-hee, tee-ho" call which sounds like someone is giggling. 


  1. I like this bird, too!

    1. Thank you for your comment. This bird comes to my window every day.

  2. what an adorable bird! When I was in Big Sur, I saw a Bird with similar black and white coloring but it also had a red head. Any idea what type of bird I saw?

    1. I found the answer to your question. I think it is an Acorn Woodpecker.
      Was it finding acorns?
