Monday, November 16, 2015

Day out at Summers Past Farms

Last Thursday we spent the morning bird watching at a farm called Summers Past Farms. I was joined by Ms. Cooley's class and my friend Alex. My Mom and I had strawberry smoothies and we took pictures of various locations around the farm. We heard the birds in the trees but couldn't take the pictures or videos fast enough. We did see Black Phoebes, American Crows, American Goldfinches, and other Finches. We saw the farm's bee hive and barn cats. The cats names are Amber, Sunny and Chamomile. 

Old bird houses near the chicken coop. 

Ms. Cooley and her class. My friend Alex joined us.

My teacher kept singing the "12 Days of Christmas" song when we came by this coop.
There are real 3 French hens living in this coop. 

This is Chamomile. She was the first cat we met. 

This is Sunny. He was the second cat we met. 
I saw Amber in the barn but she wouldn't come out for pictures. 

Summers Past Farms plants milk weed for the Monarch 

It was a long day and I think we need to shorten our time next time. I would like to come back with my Sister. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

They Came to Visit for Lunch

Lesser Goldfinches and House Finches

Lesser Goldfinches and House Finches came to visit for lunch and ate all their black thistle seed food. They ate the entire bag in three days. 
The House Finches like the seeds in the juice feeder and they spin on the juice feeder. 

Friday, November 6, 2015

Lesser Gold Finches Eating at Feeder

I believe the Lesser Gold Finches came because the seeds were wet. 

The weather was rainy and the birds were getting wet but they still came for food. 

At least 10 Lesser Gold Finches spent the afternoon eating from the feeders, drinking water, and exploring the bottle feeder. 

Lesser Gold Finches eating at the feeder on my porch. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

2014 to 2015 Observation

Bird Feeder Watch

this photo was taken by my phone

Adrian J.

Week of December 1-5

The birds didn’t come because it rained heavily. There were signs of birds because there was bird poop.

Prediction: The bird may have gotten sick if they ate the wet bird food.


Green Bird Feeder

1.   The seeds got wet from the rain.
2.   The seeds are growing
3.   The seeds feely sticky and wet.
4.   The seeds smell stinky.

Adrian’s Feeder

1.   The seeds are dry.
2.   The seeds are hard.
3.   There are holes where the birds eat the seeds.

Hanging Bag Feeder

1.   No birds were seen.
2.   The seeds were not scattered.

Week of December 8-12

December 8, 2014

We put fresh food in the bird feeders. The food was wet from the rain. It had started to grow.

Prediction: I predict that birds will come to my feeder because it is sunny today. The bird will come because of the fresh food. I hope a cactus wren and sparrow come to the food.

The weather is sunny.

December 9, 2014


The American crows are scaring the little birds. The Black Phoebe does not come around. We head a bird chirp. We saw three American crows.

December 10, 2014

Green Bird Feeder:
No birds have come to the green bird feeder.

Adrian’s Bird Feeder:
There are signs of birds’ coming inside of Adrian’s Bird Feeder. I saw bird spots and claw marks.

The Bag Feeder:
There are seeds coming out of the bag. There are scattered seeds because of the American Crows easting the seeds.

Five American crows came to eat the seeds. They are black.

December 12,

I saw a female house finch. I saw it standing on the fence. It was a female because it was brown. The weather was rainy so we took down the bird feeders.

We heard a mourning dove.

December 18, 2014

I saw more House Finches and American Crows this week. I only saw three House Sparrows. I saw four Black Phoebes. The birds that eat the seeds are the House Finches, House Sparrows and American Crow. The Black Phoebes showed up because the rain brought up the worms. The birds were eating seeds on the wall, except for the Black Phoebes. They were in the grass. We took down the bird feeders because of the rain and wind but scattered seeds on the patio wall.

The weather has been stormy, raining, windy, cloudy, cold and sunny this week.

January 5, 2015

I saw 17 finches, 12 house sparrows, 5 black phoebes, 4 crows, and no California Towhee. I saw them during Christmas Break.

The weather was windy, rainy, and sunny Monday and Tuesday of Christmas Break.

I spread the seeds on the railing of the patio. My Mom took pictures of the birds that came.

I predict that Black Phoebes, Finches and House Sparrows will come to my feeders this week.

We are no longer using the green feeder because the birds may hurt themselves. Mine is awesome!

The American Crow is coming because it is winter. They are bigger then the Fish Crow. There were no birds this week because of the cold weather.

January 12, 2015

No birds came last week. They did not come because of the rain during the weekend. But, I heard the American Crows and Red Crowned green parrots fighting for the tree. I think the parrots lost.

Prediction: I predict that birds will come this week because it is sunny.

January 13, 2015
No birds have come because the bird feeders were not up. We did have bird food on the rail. Mom put the feeders back up and we heard a black phoebe. No green parrots have come today. The American Crows scared them off.
Today is sunny but cold.

January 15, 2015

I saw 5 finches. I saw 4 black phoebes. I saw for the first time 4 California Towhee. I saw zero crows. I saw 6 house sparrows. The weather has been sunny the past two days.

January 26, 2015

I observed that different birds came to the feeders last week and this week. The birds visiting are the Lesser Goldfinch. They are almost finished with the first bird food in the bag feeder. These little birds are noisy. The Lesser Goldfinch are pretty.

January 27, 2015

We have a mystery bird to identify! It was a Western Blue Bird. We saw 21 Lesser Goldfinches in the last two days. Yesterday was rainy and windy. Today is sunny and clear. The seeds are on the ground.

February 2, 2015

I saw a Cooper’s Hawk on January 31, 2015. I think it was looking for a little birds to eat. It feeds mainly on birds captured in flight. Often stalks feeders in search of prey. I saw a baby Copper’s Hawk.

February 3, 2015

I observed 56 Lesser Goldfinches at my feeder. I am seeing more female Lesser Goldfinches. The male Lesser Goldfinch is yellow and black. I saw two House Sparrows and eight House Finches. I saw an immature Cooper’s Hawk. The Cooper’s Hawk hunts by bird feeders. I watched a video on a Cooper’s Hawk. I did not see California, Towhee, Black Phoebes, and American Crows. They don’t come by any more. My theory is that the heat is coming and that is why they are not coming to the feeders.

The weather on Monday was sunny and the weather on Tuesdsay was sunny too.

I learned that the Cooper’s Hawk waits for it’s prey to come and eat tat the feeder.

February 10, 2015

Prediction: No Black Phoebes will come. The weather is changing.

I heard a Mourning Dove call but my Mom saw it at the feeder with the other birds. The birds bathed themselves in the water and we had to change the water. The water was yellow.

The Big Bag Feeder is almost all gone.

The bi feeder is eaten faster. No other bird has shown up at the other feeder. The Lesser Goldfinch don’t like this feeder. The Lesser Goldfinches fight over the bag and chase off the other birds.

February 12, 2015

I saw 8 House Finches. I saw 7 House Sparrows. I saw 0 Black Phoebes. I saw 0 California Towhee. I saw 16 Lesser Goldfinches.

It was a hot and sunny week.

February 16, 2015

Prediction: My prediction I will see House Finches, House Sparrows, and Lesser Goldfinches. I saw two House Sparrows and House Finches this weekend.
1.   House Sparrow
2.   Lesser Goldfinch
3.   American Crow
4.   Western Blue Bird
5.   House Finch

February 19, 2015
Five House Finches came to the feeder and twelve House Sparrows and fourteen Lesser Goldfinches also came to the feeder. The weather was sunny both days.

March 3, 2015
I predict with the recent rains that Black Phoebes and the California Towhee will come. I predict the House Sparrows and Lesser Goldfinch will come to the feeders.

March 6, 2015
I saw 3 House Finches and I saw 4 Black Phoebes and I saw 6 House Sparrows come for worms the rain made the worms come out of the ground. I saw 5 Lesser Goldfinches visiting the feeder. They are off building nest. The weather was sunny all week.

March 9, 2015
I predict that Black Phoebes will come to the ground and eat bugs. I predict that House Finches and House Sparrows will come. I predict that five or more Lesser Goldfinches will come to the feeder. I predict the weather will be sunny or cloudy.

We need to get more bird food or they will not eat.

What kind of hummingbirds will come to my feeder?

March 10, 2015

Today we went on a bird walk. On our bird walk we saw 4 House Sparrows, 2 House Finches and 1 Mourning Dove. The Mourning Dove made a squeaky sound when it flew. I heard a lot of bird songs. We saw a nest in the eves of the apartment.

March 13, 2015
I saw 4 House Finches and I saw 4 Black Phoebe and I saw 3 California Towhee and I saw 3 House Sparrows and I saw 4 Lesser Goldfinches. I heard a House Sparrow singing. I saw 1 Mourning Dove. The wings were whistling when it flew away. I think there is a nest near.

March 20, 2015

I saw no birds because the bird food is gone. I heard birds outside.

March 23, 2015

Prediction: I predict that birds might come soon when we buy bird food. The birds are coming to other feeders in the complex so we can hear them. There is a nest near my front door.

I saw 3 House Sparrows on top of an ATM machine. I saw 1 Black Crow on a tree by my patio on a branch. I saw 1 California Towhee by my bedroom window. We hear the birds singing and chirping and in the trees. We changed the location of the shepard hook.

April 7, 2015
We have four bird feeders. We have one humming bird feeder, one finch bag feeder, one berry suet cage feeder and one mixed seeds feeder.

I predict that humming birds will come to the hummingbird feeder. New wild birds will come the berry suet feeder.

April 10, 2015
I have seen seven humming birds come to the new feeder we put up on Monday. I also placed a berry suet feeder. We think Mourning Doves are coming to the berry suet feeder. I am observing House Finches drinking the humming bird nectar. The Lesser Goldfinches are eating the food in the sock feeder. I observed 30 birds feeding in the sock feeder. I observed 20 at the Juice Bottle Feeder.
The sock feeder is more popular because 30 birds were observed. The second popular was the Juice Bottle Feeder. There were no birds observed at the Berry Suet feeder but it does look like something is eating it. I think it is the Mourning Dove.

How to make Humming Bird Nectar
1 cup sugar
4 cups water
Bring mixture to a boil. Let it cool and then fill the Humming Bird Feeder. Do not put red dye in the food.

April 13, 2015
Prediction: I predict more birds will come to the 4 feeders. I predict birds will come to both seeds. The bag feeder has half dark seeds and half brown seeds. I predict more birds will come more to the bag feeder and less to the juice feeder. I predict that it will need to be refilled. The hummingbird feeder needs to be refilled. I predict that the berry suet feeder will have no birds.

April 14, 2015
Observations: 47 birds came to the bag feeder. 11 birds came to the juice feeder. The bag had more birds then the juice feeder. 36 lesser goldfinch come to the feeder and 19 house finches come to the feeder. I saw 9 house sparrows flying around the area. I saw 10 hummingbird drinking the nectar and 6 America Crows sat in the tree. I saw 2 Mourning Doves. I think they have a nest nearby.

April 21, 2015
We decided that we are noting to put up food in the sock feeder and the hummingbird feeder. The House Finches are drinking out of the humming bird feeders and pooping all over the floor. YUCK!
We want to see what they do if they don’t have hummingbird feeder nectar. I predict they will eat from the berry suet and juice bottle feeder. We don’t see the hummingbirds because the finches are on top of the feeder drinking all the nectar. The humming birds are eating at the neighbor’s feeder more then ours.

How should we discourage the House Finches from coming to the Hummingbird Nectar?

1.   Switch the flavor to First Nature
2.   Move the hummingbird feeder
3.   Or move the finch feeder

How to deter House Finches?

1.   Note how many finches come and visit and what time of day they are eating from the humming bird feeder.
a.    The finches come in the morning and early afternoon.
2.   Look at the current feeder to see what type you have.
a.    Remove the sauce version of the feeder and use a single tube.
3.   Remove the perches from the hummingbird feeders. Perches encourages the finches to sit and eat the nectar.
4.   Use a caged hummingbird feeder. This will physically block the larger birds.

I am not the only one with this problem of finches eating from the hummingbird feeders.

April 24, 2015
Observation: The Evil House Finches broke the hummingbird feeder. The hummingbirds are bad because the Evil House Finches broke their feeder. The food in the sock feeder is almost gone and the juice feeder is half empty. 33 House Finches come to the sock feeder and the juice feeder. 2 hummingbird feeders come before the House Finches broke the feeder. I saw 7 American Crows on the tree branches. I saw 34 House Sparrows and they were on the tree branches. I saw 41 Lesser Goldfinches eating at the sock feeder.

April 27, 2015

Prediction: I predict that more birds will come to the feeders. More Lesser Goldfinches will come to the sock feeder. We will need to refill the sock feeder and juice feeder. No more hummingbirds will come because the feeder is missing.

May 4, 2015
Prediction: I predict that all this week the birds will come to the sock feeder. the sock feeder will have more birds then the juice feeder.  I hope the humming birds will come to the feeder.

May 11, 2015 
Prediction: I predict that birds will come to the sock feeder and less to the juice feeder. The Lesser Gold Finches like the sock feeder better then the juice feeder. The House Finches like the juice feeder. I predict that the Black Phoebes will come to my window. They like my window.

May 15, 2015
My Observation:
The birds came to the sock feeder and the juice feeder at the same time. I saw 10 Black Phoebes by my bedroom window.  I saw 42 House Finches, 6 Hummingbirds, 10 American Crows- in the trees, 28 House Sparrows drinking the Humming bird nectar and eating the juice feeder. I saw 37 Lesser Goldfinches eating at the sock feeder. 

May 18, 2015
I predict that more chipping sparrows will come to the feeder and a lot of birds will come to the feeder and more Black Phoebes will come to my window.  More Lesser Gold Finches will come to the feeder.

May 21, 2015
Observations: I saw a bullocks oriole! I saw a House Sparrow eating at the berry suet feeder. A lot go to the water dunker to cool down from the heat. I saw 9 American Crows on the tree branches. I saw 31 Lesser Goldfinches eating at the sock feeder and I saw 27 House Finches eating in the juice feeder and in the sock feeder. I saw 7 Humming birds drinking the nectar. I saw 28 House Sparrows eating at the berry suet feeder. 

June 1, 2015
I saw a California Towhee. They have not been around for a while. I predict that a lot of birds will come the feeders and the water. I think the California Towhee will return. I think it is eating the berry suet because it likes to eat seeds. I have a new Hummingbird feeder food which is clear. I hope to see hummingbirds. 

June 4, 2015
I saw 48 Lesser Goldfinches at the sock feeder. I saw 40 House Sparrows at the Juice Feeder. I saw 14 American Crows on the tree branches. I saw 3 Hummingbirds at the Hummingbird feeder. The different brand of Hummingbird food is better. Only 1 Hummingbird came to the feeder with the other food. I saw 3 Black Phoebes in the shade running from the sun. I saw 32 House Finches at the sock feeder. The Sock Feeder was the most popular feeder this week. I observed 12 birds at the Berry Suet feeder when there was only 3 before. It seems to be improving. 

Summer Vacation begin the following week and observations stopped for the summer.